School Dress Code
School uniform provides practical and functional school wear which promotes safety and a sense of belonging for your child. Uniforms can be purchased from the front office. Please ensure all school uniforms, including clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.
The following School Dress Code has been passed by the School Council:
- Red and black school polo shirt or red and black school dress.
- Gold or blue faction shirt may be worn on Fridays.
- Black shorts, pants or skirts – shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh or longer.
- Leggings are only to be worn under a skirt or shorts, not as pants.
- Red and black school jacket in winter. A plain red or black jumper may also be worn.
- Closed-in shoes or sandals with an ankle strap for safety.
- Hair of shoulder-length or longer must be tied up.
- No make-up, nail polish or false nails are permitted.
- Small studs or sleepers may be worn in pierced ears. NO other jewellery is permitted for safety reasons.
It is the Department of Education’s policy that denim is not to be worn at Western Australian government schools.
Purchasing your child’s uniforms
Uniforms can be purchased by visitng the front administration office.
Polo shirts $22.00 each
Faction Shirts $26.00 each
Zip Jacket $30 each
Girls School Dress $26
Faction shirts can be worn on a Friday for ‘Faction Friday’.